When staff uses the Time Clock to record their ins/outs, Tan-Link adds up the total hours worked and provides a summary that can be used to calculate staff payroll. If staff overlaps or misses time clock entries, the total hours will not add up correctly.
-A clock-in must be followed by a clock-out entry. If there are two consecutive clock-ins/clock-outs or a missing clock-in or clock-out, then the total hours will not add up correctly.
You can search for duplicate or missing Time Clock entries and add or delete them as needed to fix issues with the total hours for a staff member.
- If an employee clocks in but the clock-out is missed, or vice versa, you can go to Staff > Edit Time Cards to add the missing entry as needed.
- Use Staff > Time Clock to edit staff time cards with an existing clock-in and clock-out.
You can also add any missed time cards where both, the clock-in and clock-out were not entered at all.
Edit Time Cards
This screen allows you to edit or delete duplicate/incorrect time clock entries to fix issues with staff hours due to errors with clock ins/outs.
- To add a new clock in/out please go to Staff> Edit Time Cards and Click Add.
- To edit existing time cards please go to Staff> Edit Time Cards and Click Search.
-Then enter the employee login name under Employee and press ENTER.
The next screen will allow you to add the Time Clock entry details.
Date & Time: The Date&Time format must be "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
Club Location: The clock-in location can be edited, please watch for typos and/or additional spaces.
Employee: Use the employee login name and watch for typos and/or additional spaces.
Event: Only ClockIn / ClockOut are valid parameters and must be entered here without additional spaces.
Time Clock
From here, time clock entries and staff hours can be viewed, added, edited, or removed.
This report is visible to all staff. Only admins can add/edit entries.
-To EDIT an existing entry, click the ✎ (Pencil) icon.
-To delete the time entry, click the 🗑️ (Trash Bin) icon to remove it.
-To ADD a FULL-TIME CLOCK entry (clock in AND clock out), click on Add Clock Entry.
Enter the Shift Start/End time using 0:00 am/pm and SAVE.
Once all duplicate or missing Time Clock entries have been addressed, the Time Clock report will display the correct hours for staff payroll.
Automatic Clock-in/outs.
There is also an option to automatically record the timestamp when an employee logs into Tan-Link and add it as a ClockIn entry. It also records the time the employee logged out and a ClockOut entry is added for that employee. Tan-Link will calculate the total hours as normal. If this is enabled, employees no longer need to clock in/out every day.
Please contact support if you would like this feature enabled.
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