To perform a sale in Tan-Link, you must be on a customer's account. You can then search for packages and products using the sell box.
In this box you can search for the packages by the "search term" set by the admin. You search products by partial name searches and can search an item by UPC by placing the cursor in this box and using the barcode/scan gun reader.
As you can see, searching for Botanical brought up all products with that name in it. After you find the right products/packages, add them to the cart using the + button and then add them to cart using the ADD TO CART button as shown.
After adding the items in the cart, all items will be visible. If you added an item that is not needed, you can use the trash icon to remove it.
You can also discount the sale by clicking on the Discount button.
If the entire payment is by one payment method (such as CREDIT CARD), click on the CREDIT CARD button and the entire amount will be filled into that box.
When Collecting Cash as form of payment and taking a bill larger than the amount owed, you will enter the amount given into the box and then on CHANGE to the right.
This will prompt the system to inform you of how much change is to be given back to the customer. See below.
If instead you need to split the payment, say half cash and half credit card, put the amount to be charged by one payment method in one box as shown below, and at the bottom it will show the balance that will need to be put into another box (such as cash) as shown in the picture below.
Then once the balance is placed into another box (like cash), the NEXT button will enable as shown below.
Click on NEXT.
The next screen will show you all the payment information and allow you to collect a payment. If part or all of the payment is by credit card, you must first connect to the iPad by clicking on the red iPad icon on top if it not green.
After making sure you are connected to an iPad (green iPad icon on top as shown), you will either click on SWIPE CARD and then swipe the customer's credit card, or if they have their payment already stored in the system, you will click on USE CARD ON FILE button. ** When going LIVE with Tan-Link, a customer will not have the option to USE CARD ON FILE until they have updated their billing information in Tan-Link. The feature cannot be used to charge tokens that imported from previous software.
Once the payment information is scanned or retrieved, click on COMPLETE ORDER button.
At this point, if the iPad is connected and on the correct link, the customer will see a payment screen on the iPad.
If Tips are enabled, the customer will be able to select a tip option on top, then sign and complete the payment.
Tip: Make sure the customer selects a tip or no tip to proceed with payment.
After payment is complete, you will be redirected to the customer's screen where the sale should show on their account.
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