Tan-Link allows the use of both pre-numbered Gift Cards and paper gift certificates which the system can apply numbers to. These can be sold in-store or online and are also used for promos.
This article explains how Gift Cards can be sold online. For any gift cards that are physically purchased at the salon, please review the following article: https://tan-link.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030636311-Working-with-Gift-Cards
To sell a gift card through the Online Shop, you will need to have gift cards of specific denominations set up as products.
Please go to Products> Update products to ensure the gift card values exist on your site as shown below:
Each gift card will need its own UPC matching the value of the Gift card.
Please contact support to add or review any issues with gift cards to be sold online.
Each Gift card option will need to be set as available to sell online.
Please check the YES option for each item. Once this item is available online, a client will be able to purchase a gift card online.
When a gift card is purchased online, Tan-Link will use the contact info from the purchase to Link the Gift card number to the customer's account that matches the online purchase info.
If no account exists, then a new account is created and the gift card will show there.
If you would like to enable SMS notifications for GC sold online, please contact support.
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