Types of Packages
Packages are one of the most important parts of a business as this drives revenue. This will identify your selling points and strategies to sell your services. Before we add or update packages, let's first understand the different types of packages in Tan-Link.
The Following are the types of packages that can be created in Tan-Link:
- EFT - Monthly Billing Package - This is a membership. A membership charges a recurring monthly draft amount until the membership is canceled. If the customer is already on an EFT membership, he can't be sold on another membership.
Tan-Link allows the ability to charge a recurring monthly fee on the following dates:
-One specific day. (ex: 1st of the month)
-1st & 15th of the month.
-Daily Drafts
For those with daily billing, please note that for any customers that sign up on the 28th or later in the month, Tan-Link will automatically revert their draft to the 28th of the month. - ADD-ON EFT's - Due to the restriction in Tan-Link that a customer may NOT be on more than one EFT, an Add-on EFT could be sold to utilize other services.
This is most commonly used by businesses with multiple areas of business.
(Example: If a business offers both tanning and red light, the customer could sell an EFT for tanning and have the red light as an add-on.) Please review the guide below on how to use Add-On EFT packages. https://tan-link.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/20690224000525-Add-On-EFTs
- PREPAID - Time-Based Packages - This is a package where a customer pre-pays for unlimited sessions in a specific timeframe.
- WALKIN - Sessions or Upgrades - This is a one-time payment for a session(s) or an upgrade. If a customer is currently on a basic membership and would like to have an upgrade to a premium session or for extended time for a particular session, you would select a Walkin package for the upgrade.
- CREDITS - This is a package that can be utilized based on how many credits a customer has available on their account and how many credits the service requires.
- MINUTES - This package gives access to the services based on the purchased number of minutes. The total amount of purchased minutes could be broken down into different sessions according to the customer's preference and they only pay for the time they utilize.
Adding/Updating a Package
To add or update packages, go to Packages > Update Packages.
On the left side of the screen, you will see the types of packages with a list of the packages included under it.
To edit a package, simply click on the package name and the editor will show up on the right side of the screen.
Package Details/Description
This section is where you will view the package name, type and description of the package. Any information that is entered here will show on the packages list and on the customer's screen (ONLY if this feature has been enabled on your site). This section does NOT show on the Online Store.
Package: This is the name of the package. **If you will be doing a final import of data, you CANNOT change your package name until AFTER the final import.
Package Type: Select the Package Type from the drop-down. The options include EFT, PREPAID, WALKIN, CREDITS, MINUTES, ADD-ON EFT
Upsell Popup: Whenever a package is sold, the Upsell Popup will appear to inform your staff of any additional/recommended products or upgrades you want to ensure are pitched to your customers with this package prior to checkout.
Under Upsell Popup you can enter or edit the message. A different message can be entered for every package created.
Once a package is added to the cart, the Upsell Popup message will appear on the screen as shown below.
For instance, some salons do NOT carry open eye wear in salons for customer use. In this case, upon selling the package, a Required Upsell popup will show at checkout reminding staff to pitch goggles to the customer.
***Use this link to edit the message on your upsell popup box and add any coding or formatting you desire > https://wordtohtml.net/. Just enter the text as you wish it to appear on the left and then copy and paste the html that appears on the right side into the Upsell Popup Box.
Description: This is the package description. The package description will appear when searching to sell a package underneath the Package Name. This can be used to help ensure that your staff are selling the proper Package.
By messaging support, you can have a feature enabled where the package description will appear on a customer's account as well as shown below.
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