By default, tips are enabled for all Credit Card Transactions in Tan-Link.
Currently, cash transactions do not support tips. If a customer wishes to add a tip on a cash transaction or when a service session is performed, you can collect a $0.01 Misc Payment and select CC as the payment method. The customer would choose a tip amount to pay with CC.
Tips settings can be managed under General Settings> Tip settings.
The Tips menu allows you to customize the options listed below:
1. Block All Tips On Credit Card: Set to No to allow Tips on your site.
Set to Yes to block all tips on the site.
2. Only Allow Tips From EFT Members: Set to Yes to allow tips only from EFT Members.
Set to No to allow tips from all customers.
3. Packages Where Tips Are Allowed: You can restrict tips to certain packages only by selecting them from the dropdown list. Packages that exist on your site will be listed here. Leave all packages unselected to allow tips on all packages.
4. Tip Defaults: Here you will choose what percentages are suggested to the customer on the iPad screen when completing a CC transaction. The % amount you enter will be calculated from the total purchase amount and displayed in the same order for the customer to select.
5. Suggested Tip (%): This is the default Tip percentage that will populate on the iPad as the suggested tip. The percentage you enter on this option must match one of the 3 options you entered above.
6. Automatically Round Up Tip To The Next Full $ Amount: Select Yes to Round Up the tip to the nearest amount. For example, if the calculated tip is $9.75, it will be rounded up to $10.00.
Changes will only apply after saving this page.
*****Don't forget to click on SAVE before you exit. ****
If you want tips to be enabled for certain staff only, you can control who is allowed tips directly from the Staff profile. Tips may be enabled/disabled for each employee individually under Staff>Update Staff > Allow Tips
See more info on the Update Staff menu here:
You and your staff can go to Staff > Bonus Earned and enter a date range. It will show the bonus and tips they have earned.
As an Admin ONLY you can hover over the CC charge on the customer account and it will show the amount of the tip. See below:
If goals are enabled, then the commission and tips will show as a total on the employees Home Screen when they log in. See below:
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