Welcome to the call center setup guide!
This article provides instructions to follow now that the call center has been enabled on your site. Please ensure each of the items in this article has been completed before the support team completes the SIP phone setup
Set up your Call Center Schedule
Go to Communications> Call Center > Edit Call Center Schedule. You can specify what happens during any time of the day and week a call is received. If the call falls within the time window specified here, then the action listed next to it will take place. Please use the 24-hour time format.
All other times not listed on this menu will automatically play the voicemail recording and will forward the voicemail to you by email. If you choose Forward To and specify a Login ID in the destination box, the call will be sent to the staff phone number.
Select who is allowed to handle incoming calls.
**Please notify support if you need to add any staff to the list of employees to handle calls. By default only admins will see incoming calls on the computer.**
Once the specified staff has been added by support, you can choose who is allowed to Join or Listen to a Call. In General Settings, search for 'call center' and edit these two options:
Call Center: List Of Employees For Listen: Add a comma-separated list of staff login IDs When these employees are logged in, they will have the option to Listen to an ongoing call without joining the call.
Call Center: List Of Employees For Join: Add a comma-separated list of staff login IDs When these employees are logged in, they will have the option to Join and participate in the existing call.
Choose what happens to unanswered calls
You can edit the number of minutes for a call to remain unanswered before taking action.
Go to General Settings and Search Call Center: Minutes Until Call Forwarding
Enter the number of minutes for a call to remain unanswered before forwarding.
This option will be setting minutes, and the minimum setting is 1, Max 10.
Once this step is complete, please go to Communications> Call Center> Edit Call Center Digits and scroll down to the Unanswered Option. This option will let you decide how unanswered calls should be handled.
If you choose Forward To, please specify a Login ID in the destination box for the call to be sent to the staff phone number.
Record and upload your Voicemail Greeting
A voicemail recording must be set up so callers can be aware that they need to start recording a message. In this greeting, you can include instructions for the customer to record a message.
Tan-Link allows you to use your device microphone to record the Voicemail greeting. You can start recording this message by going to Communications> Call center> Record Main Greeting
If other devices are used to record this message, please save the file in .wav format. Once recorded, you can upload the file under Communications>Call Center> Upload Voicemail Greeting.
Provide an email address to send Voicemail recordings.
Voicemail recordings will be sent to the email provided here.
Go to General Settings and Search 'Call Center: Send voicemail to this email name and address'
You will enter the name followed by the email address in this format: name;email
e.g. john;john@gmail.com
Setting up your menu options
Customers will use the dial pad on their phones to select from the options available by listening to your main recording. You will choose what happens when the caller makes a selection. Each of these options can be assigned an individual task.
Go to Communications> Call Center> Edit Call Center Digits and select an Action for each Digit.
See the available options below:
Play recording:
Use this option to provide callers with any relevant information such as store hours, Tips on how to prepare for UV tanning, Membership info, Promos, and other information that customers should access without speaking to a live person.
You will need to pre-record these messages on your end and upload them in a WAV format.
Click on Choose File and select the desired .wav file> Click on Save.
Tan-Link Dashboard.
This option will route the call to the computer screen and will become visible on all computers where a staff member is logged into Tan-Link.
This is the option to use if the customer wants to reach a live person.
Text Back.
When this option is selected by the customer, the system will automatically send an SMS to the caller. You will need to enter the text body to be sent to the caller ID number.
You have full control over what that message will say. It can include Links to the Online store for customers to buy a package/product, instructions on how to access the salon/use their membership, discount codes, Etc.
Send to Voicemail:
The call will be transferred to leave a voicemail.Your voicemail recording must be uploaded so callers can be aware that they need to start recording a message.
Forward to:
You can enter the SIP URL (Support will provide after the Call center is enabled) or a phone at another location so it connects to the correct location from the beginning.
Alternatively, you can add an employee ID for the call to be transferred to that person. (phone must exist under staff profile)
Nothing Selected:
No action will be taken.
Your Main Greeting Recording must match the options you are setting on this menu.
Record and Upload your Main Greeting
Once the call reaches your TL text line number, a welcome greeting is played. This welcome message will include instructions for customers to choose from. You can record a custom message using other devices and programs, or simply record it using your computer microphone.
If other devices are used to record this message, please save the file in .wav format. Once recorded, you can upload the file under Communications > Call Center > Upload Main Greeting.
Tan-Link allows you to use your device microphone to record the main greeting. You can start recording this message by going to Communications> Call center> Record Main Greeting
You can now schedule a phone call with the support team to go over any questions or to discuss issues with the software and its features.
Please visit this link and choose your preferred date and time for our phone appointment:
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