Both In-Store Account Money and Bonus Bucks serve similar purpose and you can generally use one or the other.
Both can be used upon checkout as a method of payment.
Bonus Bucks
Bonus Bucks can be updated by an admin by clicking on the amount on the customer's screen. There is also an option to add Bonus Bucks to an account on successful EFT draft, set under Update Packages.
Bonus Bucks can be added to an account by going to Account Changes > Add Bonus Bucks To Account.
To enable Bonus Bucks on Account. Go to General Settings>General Settings>Option Search 'bonus bucks'
If set to "0" Select change then insert "1" then save.
In-Store Account Money (ISA)
ISA can be added by going to Account Changes > Add ISA to Account. Optionally, you can also require a payment to be collected when this option is used to add ISA to an account. ISA can also be added on a successful EFT draft, set under Update Packages.
By default, all the ISA can be used on an order if enough is available.
There are a few alternative restrictions that can be enabled by contacting support:
- Require ISA to be used only on second or subsequent package or product in the cart. This means ISA can not be used unless more than 1 item is purchased. This essentially is equivalent to offering a 'buy one get one of similar or lesser value up to the amount available in ISA'.
- Limit the use of ISA up to half the purchase amount. This means the other half must be paid by some other means.
These options must be enabled by contacting support.
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