You and your managers can review the bonus and tips for each staff member for a selected date range.
Go to Staff > Bonus Earned.
The information displayed here also includes any discount notes for the sale, the total commission-able sales for employee, memberships sold, lotions sold, airbrush/sunless tans sold.
See this article for more information on how to use tips on your site:
How can I set a Manager to see other staff's bonuses?
If a staff user is set as the manager for other staff, he will be able to see the Bonuses for each staff login that is assigned to him. Once that is completed, managers will be able to see their corresponding staff under Bonus Earned.
You can choose who is a manager under Staff > Update Staff - Master Edit.
Select manager employees, and click on Change.
Look for the "Is Manager?" column and set 1 for YES and 2 for NO.
Once your managers have been set, they will be visible in the Manager drop-down menu for each of the staff profiles. Each employee should be assigned to a manager under Update staff.
If the wrong person is selected as manager on a staff profile, then the actual manager user will not see that staff under bonus earned. If no staff is assigned to a manager, the manager will not see other staff under Bonus Earned.
Assign a different Overall Bonus Percentage to each Staff.
You can set employees to receive full commission for all sales or only be paid a percentage of the total sum of all commissions earned. This is useful when you need to motivate staff or improve performance.
Go to Staff> Update Staff and select a staff profile. Then scroll down to the Bonus Percent option.
You can enter any percentage amount here.
If set to 100, then the staff will be paid full commissions according to what was set individually for each product and package. This is the default for all staff.
If set to 50%, staff will only be paid half of the total commission amount. This is calculated from the total commission paid for individual sales.
Setting up commission on Products
If you pay a commission on product sales, you can edit the commission percentage to be paid for each product individually. This option is located under Products > Add/Update Products.

Every time a product is sold, Tan-Link applies the commission % to the staff member who sold the product.
Commission Pre-Tax
By default, Tan-Link calculates commission pre-tax on product sales. If the sale is discounted, Tan-Link calculates commissions from the base price AFTER the discount.
Please contact support if you need to calculate commissions based on the total paid plus taxes.
Setting up commission on Packages
When a package is sold to the customer, the system is going to pull the commissions previously configured under Packages> Update Packages> Pricing, Commissions, and Agreements.
Tan-Link applies commission to the staff member who sold the package.
The amount you enter as a package commission is a dollar amount.
Commission 1: An existing EFT member purchases sessions, credits or minutes packages.
Commission 2 . A walk-in member purchases an EFT package or sessions, credits or minutes packages.
Upgrade Commission is paid when the customer switches from a lower level EFT to a higher level.
EFT Draft Commission is paid upon successful drafts.
When a package sale is discounted, the commission may be prorated or paid in full depending on your site settings. Contact support if you need this updated on your site.
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